financial fraud

cyber security internet and networking concept.Businessman hand working with VR screen padlock icon and mobile phone and laptop computer

Cybersecurity Awareness: The Internet of Things & Data Security

From Desktops to Smartwatches Just a few years ago, Americans conducted online financial transactions mostly through desktop-based personal computers. Now, connectivity comes in many forms. Today’s household, for example, might include one or more of the following: smartphone, tablet, laptop computer, desktop computer, smartwatch, any one of which can be used to connect to an […]

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Person entering credentials on laptop and mobile phone

Tools to Prevent Identity Theft

Protecting Your Identity The number of Americans who have experienced identity theft has surpassed 27 million, with the incidence rate increasing every year. Substantial measures are in place at Merchants Bank to protect your identity and your accounts against theft and fraud. For example, stringent bank privacy policies protect your personal and financial information. Password

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